June 29, 2014

Big ol Post its

Felt like doing a post of random sketches that I've drawn recently. I've been favoring more giant post it notes for sketching since they're portable and the paper is real nice. Enjoy! 

June 14, 2014

Heart of a Chief. Soul of a Dragon

WOW WOWOWOW! HTTYD2 Was so awesome!!!!!!! Seriously all of y'all should go see it NOW. Such an amazing film, and inspiring to see that animation can once again be pushed above and beyond. 

HTTYD2 belongs to DreamWorks
fanart belongs to me

June 12, 2014

Stuck in the Rain

Late night comp sketch. Stuck in the rain. Yup. Gotta keep disciplined with my comp practice and expressions practice. So much I still need to learn.

June 11, 2014

I, Robot Sketches

Some more late night sketch storyboard comps from a livestream. Yup yup. More I Robot related stuff for y'all since I'm on an inspired roll of scifi. Yeah...... Enjoy!

June 8, 2014


Late late night sketch based off of the short story "Robbie" from the book I, Robot. It's one of my fave stories from the book and it's such a sweet story. Felt like doing a story sketch capturing one of my favorite moments from the story. Enjoy!

I, Robot by Issac Assimov

fanart belongs to me

June 4, 2014

The Caves of Steel

Late night rough boards based off of a scene from the book, The Caves of Steel by Issac Assimov. Basically in this scene the main character, a human cop, is trying to prove that his robot partner is human since he detests robots. yup yup Gotta love scifi. Enjoy! (this is also one of my fave books besides I, Robot)